Membership Information

Member Eligibility

To be eligible for membership in the ULA, a practicing lawyer must meet a number of criteria, including representing at least one AFL-CIO affiliated union.

Benefits of ULA Membership

ULA membership brings with it access to a variety of programs and resources, including but not limited to:

  • The ULA annual lawyers conference that covers legal developments and trends, legal strategy and practical skills training specifically aimed at lawyers that represent unions
  • The ULA Bulletin, a quarterly newsletter with updates on public and private sector labor law, labor movement news, and ULA member articles on discrete topics of interest to union lawyers
  • The ULA Membership Directory, a state-by-state listing of all ULA members
  • The ULA’s Arbitrator Database
  • Meetings, seminars, and webinars on late-breaking legal developments relevant to union lawyers, including information about labor movement priorities and programs
  • ULA monthly Employee Benefits Classes
  • ULA monthly Oral Advocacy Practical Skills Classes
  • The ULA Message Boards
  • The ULA Hiring Hall and Resume Bank
  • The ULA Document Library with conference papers, sample pleadings, and other research materials
  • The ULA Diversity, Outreach, Opportunities, and Recruitment program to help ULA member firms and legal departments recruit law students of color
  • CLE credit for eligible ULA programs
  • The fellowship and solidarity of your colleagues seeking to improve the lives of working families around the country
Active Lawyers

For all active lawyers

USD 460 / 12 months

Retired ULA members

USD 200 / 12 months